Opleidingsvorm 1

In the warm and caring environment of our OV1 department, students with moderate to severe mental disabilities have the opportunity to grow at their own pace. With appropriate guidance and a safe learning environment, we encourage each student to discover and develop her/his unique potential. Our approach is holistic, paying attention to our students' emotional and social development in addition to cognitive skills. The goal is to lay a solid foundation for the most independent life possible, in which they can contribute to the community according to their own unique abilities


In our experiential classes, we guide young people with severe mental disabilities and significant care needs on their personal journey of discovery. Through adapted learning methods and a safe, supportive environment, we create a setting in which they can have their own experiences and learn from the world around them. Together with a team of dedicated teachers and therapists, we work to build trust and encourage each student's natural curiosity, contributing to her/his overall development and well-being.


In our autism classes, we provide a structured and understanding environment for young people with autism. Here they can grow and learn in a way that suits them, with the support of experienced teachers and therapists who specialize in autism spectrum disorders. We strive to create an environment where all students feel valued and understood, and where they can develop the skills necessary to make their unique contributions to the community.


In our Live learning classes, students discover and develop their skills in a communal and supportive environment. The focus is on cooperation, social interaction and fostering positive group dynamics. By working together and learning from each other, students have the opportunity to develop social skills essential for their future integration into society.